Text donations terms and conditions

Power to Protect TV appeal

Texts cost £3 plus your standard network rate and CARE will receive 100% of your donation. UK mobiles 16+ only. Get bill payer's permission. By texting POWER to 70123 you consent to future telephone and SMS marketing contact from CARE. To opt-out just text END to 70099. Please see below for our general T&Cs.

General terms and conditions

  • Your donation, plus your standard network rate charge, will be added to your next phone bill or taken from your pay-as-you-go credit. 100% of all donations go to CARE International.
  • Donations will fund CARE International's work fighting poverty and injustice, and help to fund CARE's general support and running costs.
  • You must be over 16 years old to use the service and have permission from the bill payer.
  • The service is open to all residents of the UK (excluding Channel Islands or Isle of Man mobile or from outside of the UK).
  • Your data will be handled in accordance with our Privacy policy.
  • CARE International may occasionally contact you via text with updates or emergency appeals. To opt-out completely text END to 70099. You will be charged your standard network rate.
  • If you have any problems, please contact our Supporter Care Team on supportercare@careinternational.org or calling 0207 091 6100.
  • Our SMS services are provided by Cymba and Mobilise.
  • The promoter of the service is CARE International UK.

Texted by mistake?

If you’ve texted to donate to CARE International UK by mistake, you can claim a refund by contacting your mobile network provider directly. If your network will not refund the donation please do contact us.

If your intention was to donate to CARE International UK, but the shortcode or keyword you texted is invalid you may still be charged your standard network rate. CARE will not receive 100% of the donation unless you use the correct shortcode and keyword combination.