CARE Statement on violence in Israel and Gaza

09 October 2023


CARE International is appalled by the horrific violence that has engulfed Israel and Gaza, leading to hundreds of civilians killed and thousands injured, with a toll that keeps mounting by the hour.

Civilians always pay the highest price during conflict, with women, children, and the elderly suffering the most. Protecting civilians must now be the top priority for all parties involved.

CARE condemns violence against civilians by all sides and calls on all parties to the conflict to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law, including respecting the principles of humanity, proportionality, and distinction at all times.

All parties to the conflict must refrain from attacking civilians and civilian objects and must ensure and facilitate access of those in need to humanitarian assistance.

CARE stands ready to respond to humanitarian needs and is currently preparing an urgent medical intervention, including in response to the specific needs of women and girls.

Media enquiries

Please contact David Moore, CARE International UK Media Officer:

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