COP27: Loss and damage financing vital to protect women and girls

CARE International UK

04 November 2022


CARE strongly urges the UK Government to support loss and damage financing at the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27).

Climate change disproportionately affects women and girls. Climate shocks, including drought, floods and famine, are increasing. Over 70% of people facing chronic hunger around the world are women. During these emergencies, women and girls are at higher risk of violence, and incidences of female genital mutilation and early marriage are likely to increase.

Funding for loss and damage will help developing countries who have contributed least to climate change respond to the worst effects of the crisis. Countries, including the UK, US and China, who for decades have benefited from cheap energy and industrialisation should help to pay for the costs of extreme and slow onset weather events.

Alongside funding and a plan for implementation of loss and damage financing, the UK and other G20 countries must redouble their efforts to reduce emissions. Unless fossil fuels are phased out, the 1.5°C limit will not be achievable. This would lead to a devastating impact on women and girls.

Decades of progress are currently being reversed in the Horn of Africa due to climate change induced drought. Across the region, 28 million people face life threatening hunger. Over 700,000 girls are at risk of dropping out of school in Somalia after four failed rainy seasons. Yet affected countries in East Africa are responsible for just 0.1% of global emissions.

Floods have destroyed critical health infrastructure and left more than 1,600 people dead in Pakistan. In Nigeria, floods have displaced 1.3 million people and over 200,000 houses have either been partially or fully damaged by floods.

At COP27, CARE is urging the UK Government to:

  • Agree to establish a loss and damage finance facility, with a clear road map for its implementation;
  • Protect the aid budget from further cuts and increase humanitarian aid funding to East Africa as it at faces unprecedented drought and floods;
  • Meet climate finance commitments - Pay the UK’s outstanding pledges of $300 million to the Green Climate Fund contribution and provide concrete figures for near-term adaptation spending to demonstrate the UK’s contribution to the global agreement to double adaptation finance;
  • Prioritise women and girls in climate action, ensuring climate finance reaches the most marginalised women and girls, and support women’s leadership in climate decision making spaces;
  • Commit to increasing the UK’s contribution to global climate action with a nationally determined contribution update in 2023. Helen Pankhurst, Senior Gender Equality Adviser, CARE International UK said:

Helen Pankhurst, Senior Gener Equality Adviser, CARE International UK said:

Those who have contributed the least to climate change - particularly women and girls from the global south - are those bearing the brunt of its impacts. COP27 is an opportunity for the UK to demonstrate an understanding of this global context, to build on its Presidency of the Glasgow Conference and reverse the failure to pay up on promised climate finance and aid cuts. The world is calling for action on loss and damage and the agreement on a financing facility. Now is the time for the UK government to step up.”

Marlene Achoki, CARE Climate Justice Global Policy Co-lead said:

Lower-income countries face massive costs from loss and damage due to climate change. This will significantly hamper these countries’ ability to achieve the sustainable development goals, as well as to invest in climate adaptation, resilience and mitigation measures. The frequency and scale of emergencies in 2022 shows we are in a new era of loss and damage. Wealthier, higher carbon countries must establish and provide dedicated loss and damage funding, as well as greater adaptation finance to assist countries affected by climate change.”

Abyan Ahmed, CARE Global Humanitarian Nutrition Advisor said:

Climate change is a growing threat to our food systems: rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and extreme weather events are already reducing agricultural yields and disrupting food supply chains. Women and girls remain the most affected by the impact of climate change. They must walk longer distances to fetch water and look for food. If no urgent support is provided, the damage being caused by climate change in Somalia and the Horn of Africa will be irreversible.”

Abel Whande, CARE South Sudan Country Director said:

Climate change has resulted in increased temperatures, severe water shortages and flooding across East Africa. In South Sudan, it is pushing communities already affected by conflict, displacement, and chronic hunger to the brink with floods destroying food stocks, livelihoods, and homes. The recent floods have made access to the most vulnerable communities extremely difficult. Canoes and specialised equipment are now needed to reach these cut off communities with life-saving aid. Flooding has also destroyed critical facilities, including health centers and supplies.”

Notes to editors

CARE’s policy positions for COP27 can be found here.

The 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties is being hosted by Egypt and will take place from the 6th- 18th November.

14th November is Gender Day at COP27 to highlight the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and girls.

Spokespeople available throughout COP27 (* Attending in person)

  • Marlene Achoki, CARE Climate Justice Global Policy Co-lead, based in Kenya *
  • Sven Harmeling, CARE Global Policy Lead Climate Change and Resilience *
  • John Nordbo, CARE Denmark, Senior Advocacy Adviser, Climate *
  • Fanny Petitbon, CARE France Advocacy Manager *
  • Abyan Ahmed, CARE Global Humanitarian Nutrition Advisor, based in Somalia
  • Abel Whande, CARE South Sudan Country Director
  • Adil Sheraz, CARE Pakistan Country Director

Also available:

Helen Pankhurst, CARE International UK, Senior Gender Equality Adviser


For more information and interview requests, please contact David Moore, CARE International UK Media Officer,