Escalation of conflict in Ukraine: Addressing humanitarian needs amidst internal displacement

Evacuation from Kharvkiv, Ukraine

17 May 2024


Maja Mandrapa Terzic, CARE Ukraine Emergency Response Manager, said:

"Since May 10, we have witnessed another stage of escalation in the war in Ukraine, when Russia intensified its offensive in the Kharkiv region. As a result, there are additional waves of internal displacement. People are actively evacuating from communities that are under fire or threat of potential occupation. This situation exacerbates the existing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

"Civilian infrastructure, life-support facilities and housing continue to be damaged and destroyed. However, the most important thing is the civilian population, who endure both physical and psychological distress. The number of evacuees is counting in the thousands and has already is approaching 9,000.

"CARE’s humanitarian aid inside Ukraine is focused on protection and prevention and response to gender-based violence, health (including sexual, reproductive and maternal health), cash assistance, shelter and non-food items. Emergency response ensures the delivery of life-saving humanitarian support to high risk and hard to reach areas. All activities have a strong gender focus. In Kharkivska region special attention is paid to people with disabilities and older people, who constitute the largest part of the evacuees. We are striving to ensure their departure is both comfortable and safe. The next step is to provide long-term support to the evacuated population."

Media enquiries

For media enquiries, please contact David Moore, Media Officer at CARE International UK,

Spokespersons available:

  • Maja Mandrapa Terzic, CARE Ukraine Emergency Response Manager
  • Selena Kozakijevic, CARE Ukraine Area Director

Notes to editors

CARE first established its operation in Ukraine in 2022. Today, CARE is one of the leading humanitarian international NGOs in Ukraine fighting poverty and providing life-saving assistance to Ukrainians vulnerable and affected by war.

In Ukraine, CARE International supports partner organisations with a strong track record of development and humanitarian programming in Ukraine. CARE’s humanitarian aid inside Ukraine is focused on cash assistance, shelter and non-food items, food security, health (including sexual, reproductive and maternal health) as well as protection. All activities have a strong gender focus. 

Since 2022 over 1.3 million people in Ukraine have been reached with humanitarian assistance provided by CARE.

Find out more about CARE's work in Ukraine

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