Ukraine: Rocket hits CARE's community centre in the Donestk region

The entrance to a bomb-damaged community centre

29 February 2024


Following a rocket attack on the night of 27 to 28 February, a recently opened CARE-Avalist community centre in the eastern Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk sustained serious damage. As a result, CARE and its partner Avalist have been forced to temporarily suspend their activities. The community centre served as a vital hub for psycho-emotional relief sessions and legal counseling, as well as workshops and games for children and adults, providing crucial support in navigating the repercussions of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

The centre was opened in November 2023 with the support of the European Union. Besides the on-site activities, the center is used by mobile teams of psychologists traveling to villages and settlements affected by the shelling to provide support and assistance to the affected population. Since its inception, the center in Pokrovsk has been a lifeline for approximately 1,500 individuals, who sought support from psychologists, lawyers, and case managers. With all schools and kindergartens closed in the city, these community centers remain the sole refuge for children, offering them a precious opportunity to engage with other girls and boys amid such a devastating conflict.

Last month, Olga, a participant in the community center, shared with us how important the activities were to help her and her nine-year-old granddaughter Darya cope with the devastating impacts of the war:

“Since coming here [the community centre], I feel much better. I don’t take as many sedatives anymore. It is like a breath of fresh air, and we remember how to live again. Darya can let out her energy and she can be a child again, even if it is only for an hour. This helps us to continue.”

Olga standing in a community centre

Image: Olga, 70, a former participant at the CARE-supported community centre that was hit by a rocket. CARE/Sarah Easter.

CARE Ukraine Area Director Selena Kozakijevic highlighted the impact of the loss of the center for all of the community and urged all parties to the conflict to end violence against civilians:

“Every day we witness civilians suffering due to the consequences of the war. The intensification of attacks has resulted in restrictions on humanitarian activities and limited access to certain areas. The destruction of the community center is another sign of escalation in this war. These centers are the heart of communities where vital services and assistance are provided. To attack them is an attack on access to life-saving aid. We urgently call on the conflict parties to end violence against civilians and civilian structures and to support efforts to ensure peace and security for all.”

Media enquiries

For media enquiries, please contact David Moore, Media Officer at CARE International UK,

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