Tonga disaster 2022: CARE calls for donations
As the damage in Tonga is revealed, CARE International has set up the Tonga Emergency Appeal for people in the UK to support the survivors of the volcanic eruption and tsunami, which devastated the islands on 15 January..
Restarting our humanitarian response in Afghanistan
In the last week we have restarted our emergency humanitarian response in Afghanistan, where around 14 million people are currently going hungry..
Somalia drought: Why people urgently need UK aid
A rapidly worsening drought is putting hundreds of thousands of lives at risk in Somalia and Somaliland..
Haiti earthquake 2021: CARE responding to deadly quake, amid food insecurity and COVID-19 crises
On August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked Haiti, hitting the greater southern part of the island and causing the greatest losses in the departments of Grande Anse, South and Nippes..
The UK hosted the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. It is estimated that climate change may push an additional 132 million people into poverty by 2030..
Palestine-Israel crisis
We are witnessing a rapid escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel. As of 17 May at least 220 Palestinians, including 58 children, 31 women, more than 6300 injured. 10 Israelis have been killed, including 2 children and 300 injured..
COVID-19: Let’s make vaccine delivery fast and fair
CARE aims to play a key role in the fast and fair delivery of COVID vaccines to the world’s most marginalised people..
“It was a red letter day when packages arrived”
CARE was set up in the USA in 1945 to send ‘CARE packages’ of food and other essential supplies to people in need in Europe after the end of World War 2. Gillian Roberts was one of the original recipients of these first CARE packages..
Day of the Girl: Girls everywhere will rule the world!
We asked schoolgirls in Somaliland and in England: what would you do if you ruled the world?.
The fight against FGM: How an Imam is speaking out
One Friday, Sheikh Mohammed Yusuf stood up, took the microphone, and started a conversation about female genital mutilation (FGM) – a subject considered taboo to speak about by most Somali men..